Sanima Reliance Life Insurance

मेरो सुनिश्चित प्रतिफल बीमा योजना

First Date of Issuance: 2022-05-20

मेरो सुनिश्चित प्रतिफल बीमा योजना

यो योजना अन्तर्गत बीमितले आफ्नो आवश्यकता अनुरुप बीमाशुल्क भुक्तानी गर्न सक्नेछ। साथै सिमित समयको लागि बीमाशुल्क भुक्तानी गरी बीमालेख अवधिभर सुरक्षा पाउँन सक्नेछ।



Maturity Benefit:

  • For 16-year policy term: Guaranteed return equivalent amounting to 2 times of basic premium paid
  • For 20-year policy term: Guaranteed return equivalent amounting to 2.5 times of basic premium paid

Death Benefit:

  • 2 Times to 20 times of total basic premium paid shall be paid to the beneficiary depending upon the age of insured at policy commencement, policy term and time of eventuality during the policy term.

Rider Benefit:

  • Option to choose Accidental Death Benefit (ADB), Total Permanent Disability Benefit (TPD), Premium Wavier Benefit (PWB) and Critical Illness (CI) Benefit for minimal additional premium.


Minimum Premium Amount: NPR. 25,000
Maximum Premium Amount: Depends on the premium paying capacity of the insured.
Minimum and Maximum Sum Assured: Depends on the premium amount paid by the insured.
Minimum Entry Age: 16 Years
Maximum Entry Age: 44 Years
Maximum Maturity Age: 60 Years

Policy term and corresponding premium paying term:

Policy Term Premium Paying Term
16 5
20 7

Surrender Value and Loan:

Surrender and loan is only applicable upon completion of 3 full policy year and 3 full annual premiums payments. The maximum loan amount will be 90 percent of the surrender value.

Optional Benefits

Critical Illness Benefit (CI):

On insured being diagnosed with onset of any of the listed Critical Illness during the term of the policy, an additional sum equal to Maturity Value under the basic  policy or NPR 50 Lakhs, whichever is less, is payable subject to survival of insured and continuity of the said illness for 30 days from the date of diagnosis.

Accidental Death Benefits (ADB):

On death of the insured due to accident, an additional amount equal to Maturity Value or NPR 1 Crore, whichever is less, is payable to the beneficiary.

Permanent Total Disability (PTD):

On Permanent Total Disability of the insured due to accident, an additional amount equal to Maturity Value or NPR 1 Crore, whichever is less, is payable in monthly installment spread over 120 months. If the remaining term to maturity is less than 120 months, the balance installments is payable in lump sum on maturity or at death, whichever is earlier.

Premium Waiver Benefits (PWB):

On Permanent Total Disability of the insured due to accident, the entire future premiums due subsequent to the date of Total Permanent Disability will be waived.

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शुभलक्ष्मी (सावधिक जीवन बीमा)
शुभलक्ष्मी (सावधिक जीवन बीमा)

हामी नेपालीहरुको आकांक्षा अनुकूल हुने गरि नयाँ जीवन बीमा योजना जनसमक्ष प्रस्तुत गर्ने कम्पनिको प्रतिवद्धता अनुसार कम्पनिको प्राविधिक तथा व्यवस्थापन  समुह र जीवन बीमाका विशेषज्ञ समेतको संयुक्त समुहबाट देशको सामाजिक तथा आर्थिक स्थितिलाई मध्य नजर गरि विभिन्न व्यवसाय वा पेशामा संलग्न समूह तथा व्यक्तिहरुको लागि उपयुक्त हुने अपेक्षा लिई “सानिमा शुभ लक्ष्मी” (सावधिक) जीवन बीमा योजना जनसमक्ष प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ । कम्पनिले आर्जन गरेको मुनाफामा सरिक हुने गरि आर्थिक सुरक्षा तथा बचत गर्न यो बीमा योजना सर्व स्वीकार्य हुने निश्चित छ । यस योजनाको विस्तृत विवरण निम्नानुसार रहेको छः यस योजनाका आधारभूत सुविधाहरू, प्रतिबन्धहरू र वैधानिकताः क) न्यूनतम प्रवेश उमेर : १६ वर्ष […]

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